Bubble Walls & Why People Love them.

What is the difference between our Bubble Walls and some of the others you will find around the web?


Our Difference

Let’s see, from the premium materials we use, to the distinctive designs of our bubble walls the differences are numerous. However most importantly, unlike many imported bubble walls, which are not serviceable, our all-custom bubble walls are made with 100% serviceable and/or replaceable parts. Additionally, we believe in our product and will provide you with peace of mind through our lifetime warranty against leaks.  The air pump and LED lighting are guaranteed for 2 years. We carry all the parts for our bubble walls in our fabrication facility. We are also here for you with our online and phone support should you have any questions or concerns.

 The sound of water has positive effects on our mental health. There is a long history of water sounds being used to create a soothing atmosphere for our minds. Science suggests that the rhythm of ocean waves and tides coming in and out can affect the rhythm of the neurons and the waves in our brain, encouraging both relaxation and a more peaceful pace of thought.

The sounds from a bubble wall will give you the same relaxing effect. You can invest in a water feature for your home or office. The sound can help to block out aggravating noises like traffic, and it’s a great visual that will give you the impression of being around water.


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